Award Reporting
As part of a Texas Sea Grant award, Principal Investigators are required to report on the progress of their project and provide other information that Texas Sea Grant then reports to the National Sea Grant Office (NSGO) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
We provide information to NSGO and NOAA that relates to the progress of your specific project, including several metrics, performance measures and other outcomes that demonstrate the accomplishments of Texas Sea Grant as a whole and the return on NOAA’s investment in the program.
Texas Sea Grant is evaluated, in part, on the basis of these reports, and the results of those evaluations can significantly affect the resources we have available for funding research. Please be as thorough as possible when completing the reporting requirements and submitting your publications.
Texas Sea Grant held a webinar for tips on required award reporting on February 15, 2024. Please utilize the following webinar reference documents:
2024-2026 Research Awardee Information Presentation Document
Disclosure of Sponsors Public Notice
Basic Reporting Information
As part of a Texas Sea Grant (TXSG) award, principal investigators (PI) are required to report on the progress of their project and provide other information that TXSG then reports to the NOAA/National Sea Grant Office (NSGO). These performance metrics are determined by NSGO and are required of every Sea Grant program. Reporting deliverables are a contractual obligation as outlined in the award contract agreement. Please see the guidelines from NSGO for definitions and guidance.
All PIs are required to report the following to TXSG:
- Metrics
- Performance Measures
- General Progress and Activity
- Leveraged Funding
- Impact and Accomplishment Details
- Publications
- Ad Hoc and Special Requests
After your grant has concluded, Texas Sea Grant will contact you to solicit updates on publications, especially peer-reviewed journal articles and conference presentations, and on grant-supported students’ publications, graduations and success in their profession. Additionally, you will also be asked to report on any impacts that have measurable and significant economic, societal and/or environmental benefits as a consequence of your project activities and/or findings.
Research Annual Reports are due to Texas Sea Grant by February 15th each year the grant is active, including the final year. Reports include project activities, metrics, performance measures, accomplishment and impact statements covering the period of performance of February 1st through January 31st of each year of the grant term. The Final Project Report encompasses the entire period of the project and is due within 30 days of project completion.
Reporting template and method:
- The annual project report, Research Annual Report Sea Grant Metrics and Performance Measures, is a quantitative report that is required for all Texas Sea Grant-funded projects. We use your data to compile into our Texas Sea Grant Annual Report due to our sponsor in May.
- A new reporting system is in-process of setup for data entry into AirTable:
- Reporting for the current year has been extended to Friday, February 28th;
- Period of Performance dates for you to report your annual activities are 2/1/2024 – 1/31/2025. If your project has expired or will expire by 1/31/2025, please only report for the activities that occurred during the annual report year, not on a cumulative project basis (we retain your prior annual reported data);
- Starting with this year, the Sea Grant Metrics and Performance Measures Report will not be completed via the Word doc; the research project activities data will be input into AirTable by the funded researcher;
- Once the Research AirTable Reporting portal has been finalized, we will reach out to you with guidance;
- In the meantime, should you have any questions, please inquire with Mia Zwolinski, Texas Sea Grant Research Coordinator, at
Publication of research results in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at professional conferences are important metrics for evaluating research programs. Investigators and students should plan to publish the results of their Texas Sea Grant-funded work in a format appropriate to the project, and both Texas Sea Grant and NOAA must be properly acknowledged in all materials that are published or released as a result of the project. Therefore, all print and electronic publications resulting fully or partially from Texas Sea Grant funding should acknowledge that support with the following statement:
“Publication supported in part by an Institutional Grant (grant award number here) to the Texas Sea Grant College Program from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.”
Please use the following grant numbers depending on when your grant was awarded:
- February 1, 2018 – January 31, 2021, the grant award number is NA18OAR4170088, and that number should be included in the parentheses above within the acknowledgment statement;
- February 1, 2022 – January 31, 2024, the award number is NA22OAR4170092;
- February 1, 2024 – January 31, 2026, the award number is NA24OARX417C0147-T1-01; and
- If the grant was awarded before 2018, please contact the reporting team.
In general, if space allows, publications should include both the acknowledgment statement and the Texas Sea Grant logo. In some cases, such as publications produced by third parties like peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, or magazine articles where the logo is not allowed, or for student theses and dissertations, the acknowledgment statement alone should be used.
Texas Sea Grant logos can be found at If you have any questions about logo usage or need a different version that what is available, please reach out to the communications team.
Publications produced as a consequence of Texas Sea Grant funding are archived and, where copyright allows, made available to the public at the National Sea Grant Library and on the Texas Sea Grant website. An embargo of up to one year may be placed on some types of publications upon request.
Publications should be sent to Texas Sea Grant through the process described below. A list with more detailed descriptions of the media that are considered publications for purposes of reporting to Texas Sea Grant is available at the NSGO website. This list is updated regularly; researchers are advised to check it periodically to ensure that all qualifying publications are reported to Texas Sea Grant. Texas Sea Grant must be sent all publications resulting from the research project, even if they are produced or published after the project has ended. Please note that PowerPoints and poster presentations are not considered publications and do not need to be submitted.
Please submit digital copies of peer-reviewed publications to Texas Sea Grant through the form below. The form is password-protected, but you can receive the password from Mia Zwolinski, Associate Director, Research Administration ( We recommend submitting as soon as you have access to the accepted version of the article.
Non-peer-reviewed materials should be submitted as a PDF or other electronic file to Nicolas Perez, Communications Specialist (
Please include the Texas Sea Grant project number on all publication submissions.
If you have any questions about reporting, please contact the Reporting Team at