Texas Sea Grant produces a variety of publications to serve Texans and provide accurate information related to the Texas coast and marine environment.
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Archive of All Sea Grant Publications
Here Texas Sea Grant publications are linked and sorted by year. Publications can also be searched via the National Sea Grant Library.
Texas Shores
Texas Shores, Texas Sea Grant’s award-winning magazine, explores the major issues affecting the people, communities, industries and natural resources of coastal Texas and the marine environment.
The magazine is also available in printed format. Print subscriptions to Texas Shores are free to U.S. residents; international subscribers are charged a fee based on postage costs. To be added to the postal mailing list, send an email to and include your name and mailing address.
For educators: Texas Shores articles may be copied or printed for educational purposes, with source acknowledgement, but please send an email to to advise the program how, why, and where its publication is being used. Multiple printed copies of individual issues may be available for use in your classroom; contact Texas Sea Grant for more information.