What We Do
For every state dollar invested, Texas Sea Grant returns $27 dollars to the economy
$2.45 million in fuel savings for the shrimp fishing industry
70,074 hours of volunteer time mobilized (valued at $1.7 million)
25,701 K-12 students reached through informal education programs
43 communities received training and tools to help protect them from coastal hazards and implement sustainable development
370 acres of coastal wetlands, prairie, and dune habitat restored
191 fishermen adopted sustainable practices
95 university students supported
17,215 people engaged in informal education programs.
Texas Sea Grant provides science-based information about Texas coastal and marine resources. Its extension agents and specialists provide informal science education to students, educators and the general public through seminars, workshops and publications.
Texas Sea Grant also coordinates the National Ocean Sciences Bowl regional competitions, the Dolphin Challenge and the Loggerhead Challenge, for high school students in Texas. These competitions increase the visibility and public understanding of our coastal and marine environments and promote the national investment in ocean-related research.
Texas Sea Grant’s extension agents and specialists live in coastal communities where they educate, engage and inspire the public in relevant issues related to environmental quality, hazard resiliency, marine fisheries, seafood quality, marketing and economics, coastal community development, marine policy, marine education and aquaculture. For information about specific outreach efforts, visit the program pages.
Texas Sea Grant supports marine- and coastal-related research at universities across the state through a competitive grant program. It also supports regional research in collaboration with the other Sea Grant programs in the Gulf.
Research supported provides information of practical importance to Texans and meets the needs of our coastal communities. Funding priorities include: Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Resilient Communities and Economies, and Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development.
Requests for proposals (RFPs) for state projects are issued every two years. To view current opportunities, visit our Funding Opportunities page.
To receive funding opportunity announcements directly, please send an email to sgrfp@listserv.tamu.edu with subject line “Subscribe.”
See the full list of research projects Texas Sea Grant has funded.